the best ground beef recipes quick

Ginger ground beef if a delicious combination of hamburger, garlic, ginger, green beans, onions, and other spices cooked to perfection. The great thing is, the dish can be prepared in about 15 minutes. This makes it a perfect midweek meal. 

Of course, if you do not like green beans, you can use mixed veggies or whatever you like. Served with steaming rice, this is perfect. 

best ground beef recipes quick, best quick easy ground beef recipes, best quick recipes with ground beef, best recipes ever quick ground beef curry, stove top ground beef recipes quick


Hey guys how you doing Dave here I drop 10 kilogram so I'm super proud of myself but I'm still cooking So today we're doing this super delicious Ginger ground beef and the great thing is you can make it about 15 minutes or you can pop it in the fridge and you know just leave it and then reheat it anytime you want so let me walk you through this so I'm going to kick things off your by adding some oil to a pan in this is medium-high heat add in half a kilo of ground beef and using you can use ground beef

if you like to and I was just going to kind of divide that stop I'm going to try this for a few minutes just until it's nicely Brown by the way guys let's do a corny joke what is the cows favorite musical note B flat okay now are beef is nicely browned it's time to add some shallots and some ginger and this is about a thumb-sized ginger and about two or three cloves of garlic and just get this sister around that smells so incredibly delicious never going to add in a bundle of green beans and I should mention it

if you don't like green beans you can use mixed veggies a couple of green onions about chopped up anyone apply these for a few minutes just until the green beans are Tender Crisp and you don't want these two saw do you want them a little bit crisp now it's time to a dinner seasoning so I'm going to add in about 2 tablespoons of soy sauce a tablespoon of sugar just to balance

things held of course I'm ground black pepper I just love pepper and the juice of half a lemon just add that acidity and of course we're going to give this it cost so delicious after a few minutes kill the Heat there you have it are 15 minute Ginger Beef okay what I'm going to do is play this up the side of bed up steaming rice goodness guys who smell so good okay let's get this a taste test this is so good to spices combined with a the rice the beans The Onion go try this
