french toast!! classic quick and easy recipe

Learn how Crouton Crackerjacks makes simple yet delicious french toast! There is nothing fancy here because simple is better with this. About the best french toast you'll have anywhere! 

What you'll need:
6 sliced Texas toast or thick cut bread
2 large eggs
1/4 cup milk or cream
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt
splash of vanilla extract
butter and vegetable oil for cooking


I'm going to show you how to make easy and delicious French toast you know French toast is one of those things doesn't need to be complicated. Doesn't need any fancy ingredients you know sometimes it's better just to keep things simple and just one of those things without further Ado let's get this recipe started obviously I'm going to need a batter for my bread so what a pie plate here I'm going to crack in two large eggs and do better than I did and try not to get Shell's in your eggs no one likes crunchy bits in their French toast I'm just going to crack those two eggs and a little bit before I am using the pie plate here is for when I go to coat my bread it's just easier to do it in a wide shallow bowl to my eggs 

I'm going to add in 1/4 of a cup of milk you could also use cream or half-and-half if you're feeling it decadent going to add in one teaspoon of granulated sugar as well as an eighth of a teaspoon or 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon just a pinch of salt maybe an eighth of a teaspoon or so and just a quick splash of vanilla extract ingredients together make sure that all the eggs are completely smooth milk kind of helps break up those eggs you don't want any globules of egg on your French toast you want to smooth batter so what's that well then let me just talk about bread for a minute here I am using Texas toast Texas toast is just regular sandwich bread but it is actually kit cut thicker than regular sandwich it's kind of dry bread crumbs me bread and these particular slices are about three quarters of an inch set 

and that's exactly what you want you want a thick bread for this and I'm just using this regular sandwich bread you could use brioche if you wanted to or French bread you know whatever kind of bread that you like I just happen to like just plain old sandwich bread make the best French toast to me now I've got a frying pan over medium-high heat here it's actually between medium and medium hi I'm going to add an about a teaspoon of vegetable oil as well as just a little Pat of butter now the reason I add both vegetable oil and butter is because I like the flavor of Ryan and butter as well butter kind of has a natural non-stick property to it but the vegetable oil raises the burning point of the butters the butter doesn't burn cuz you definitely don't want burn butter on your French toast maybe you do but I don't so that's why I do both and you want to make sure that your butter and oil art hot before you add in your first piece of French toast otherwise you french toast is going to stick 

and you don't want to stick and you know when it's ready when the solids the milk solids in the butter start to Brown I don't know how well you can see this in the video but they're just starting to turn gold in that is the exact time that European is ready for your French toast is just going to mix up my French toast my batter mixture a little bit here make sure that the cinnamon isn't you know sinking to the bottom and duck your bread it just really quickly on one side flip it over on the other side let it drip a little bit and then add that to your pan now a lot of recipes for french toast call for you to soak the bread I do not like soaked bread french toast maybe you do I don't I like my French toast to not be custardy I like it to still be bred in a center so I just do a light coat on both sides and I'm just going to let this go for a couple minutes until it gets nice and golden brown on the bottom don't be tempted to move your brother around you know just let the pain do its work but the heat do you know when you getting ready to flip when the bubbles around the outside get a little smaller and they don't pop so aggressive late so go ahead and take a peek make sure that he is nice and golden brown and then you can go ahead and flip it over and cook it side again just cook it for a minute or two just until those bubbles around the outside kind of simmer down and then you can go ahead and remove that off to the plate. Just a little bit more butter add vegetable oil to your pan 

between each slice and continue frying up the rest of your French toast and this mixture using two eggs will do for me personally six pieces of toast which is just perfect for me and my roommate so yeah just go ahead and keep French toasting all of your bread pieces and then you can go ahead and order some delicious maple syrup right overtop if you're feeling extra decadent dust the top with a little bit of powdered sugar if you'd like how you can serve these with fried eggs and bacon on the side or if you want just like a little bowl of fresh fruit would be delicious. Like I said sometimes it's better just to keep things simple in French toast is one of those things if so go ahead and get this recipe a try if you do and you like it go ahead and let me know down below subscribe for more deliciousness and keep up-to-date on all my latest videos thanks so much for watching and we will see you next time 
